united together by faith

Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.... Philippians 2:5-11 KJV

Can we do something united together by faith and in spirit?
I’d like to ask you to 1) agree and believe with me for those in need of restoration in their mind, and 2) let me know if you are one of those people so I can pray and believe with you. Let me explain...

Today I’m bringing before the Lord a specific need in many peoples lives. In my own life I’ve experienced the affects of what I’d like to pray towards this day. You see, many people experience extended seasons of trials and pain. Others learn and gain victory right away in Christ and others kinda’ have to go around the mountain until the work that God started is completed.

I’m one of those people who at times, couldn’t see what the Lord was doing in me because I was distracted by the pain of what circumstance He was using to get through to me and build me up in faith. In these seasons of being focused on the wrong things caused those learning lessons(seasons) to be extended. There is pressing and pain and trial that brings blessed increase in relationship with the Lord. It can take a toll on the mind and you can become weary in well doing. I’m sure many can relate to what I am saying.

I missed it over and over until a brother shared that with me what I’m telling you now. That if we love the Lord and He orders our steps, what happens TO us is ALWAYS about what He’s doing IN us. It’s NEVER about the circumstance, it ALWAYS about the fruit of Christ.

So now, I look for what He’s trying to accomplish in me and the test and refinement happens quicker. Call this a growth spurts if you will!
I digress. What can happen in these prolong seasons of emotional, physical, spiritual, or even relational pains is you start to become familiar with the dysfunction and adapt it as a part of your identity. You actually become perpetually in a state of unrest(even once delivered) because your mind has become accustom to thinking through filters of discomfort. Remember how the Israelites came out of slavery but slavery was still in them though they were delivered? They we’re in slavery so long it became their identity even when they were free.

The good news the Lord can restore this! And I know He wants to! I hear the Lord say I make ALL THINGS NEW!
He can restore your mind to think in the way like a child. Innocent and new. Sometimes we need God to wipe the canvas of our mind so that we can seek for HIS mind. Let’s lose our mind together eh?

So will you believe with me for the restoration in those who have asked for prayer in this area? Let’s pray for one another. If you are one of those people that have a need in this area of restoration, please reply and let me add your name.
Let’s believe together! BE YE TRANSFORMED by the renewing of your mind in Jesus!
I bless you in the name of Jesus - Thomas & Mandi + 6 Awesome Boys