It means LIFE!

The brightness of the day...the singing birds...the Easter lillies, all remind us of VICTORY over difficult circumstances. For EASTER means HOPE and new beginnings. It means LIFE! "I AM the Resurrection and the Life", He said.
By faith in Him, we, too, can be resurrected from pain, from discouragement, from fear, from lack, and from every hurt feeling. For in every ''dark tomb'', there is an Angel that encamps around us by day and by night.
With the dawning of the first Easter, the Disciples discovered that the Light of God had never been extinguished. His light of love and understanding for all humankind was shining brightly. Let us follow that light...the light of new possibilities shining brightly before us opportunities for growth and fulfillment as we journey on.
As we rise to a greater understanding of that LIGHT, and who we are in HIM, and the power of His Presence, we will live victoriously over "Sin, which so easily beset us" We will see the LIGHT / (Hebrews 12:1) Enjoy a wonderful EASTER!