An act of ministry

The call of love Prayer time is a special time Let us quiet our hearts to think and listen God loves us and he takes such joy in loving us Let us receive this relationship As we respond to his love in loving him This is our personal call from him to us It is not what we do for him, but who we are in him Belonging to him is freedom And satisfies all of our longings Rather than what material things That we think we want and we need So, let us take these quiet moments Make ourselves still in this noise-driven world Quiet our minds and hearts to hear his will and purpose Using our gifts in serving and ministry as a priority in our lives May 22, 2014. From exodus 6:7, psalm 62:1, ecclesiastes 3:1, matthew 23:11, hebrew 10:24-25, 13:5, 1 john 4:19, quiet time with the lord, today, and in praying for japan mission trip, china mission trip, and ireland mission trip.